Human Rights Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 214 members
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The proposal of domestic nations within New Zealand!
Many of you out there may not know me and what i represent, i am Maori of Tainui descent.

Now what i propose if i do decide to run as an list electorate in New Zealand is the idea of republics or domestic nations within a nation.

Similar to what Amerindians currently have.

I believe this a vital issue that needs to be adressed, sure Waitangi Tribunal deal with past injustices, but i know in the heart of many everyday Maori like i, is that Money cannot replace a Mountain, nor a tree or the forefather of a Maori who has lived in this place on a certain date here, with the implications the Pakeha have induced first and foremostly by their increasing recklessness as the years went by from 1814 to the times of now, i believe and propose is a redress that will finalise everything once and for all.

For the state to recognise Maori owned lands as interdependently yet peaceful domestic nations that are self governing.

For the proposal of deeming all domestic Maori nations as Te Aotearoa, the original Maori name that was implied to Aotearoa by Maori Ancestors years and years and years ago.

For all Pakeha and " Kiwi's " to be reffered to as New Zealanders that live in New Zealand.

For the term Aotearoans to be applied for all Maori that stay in their domestic yet foreign tribal nations and any other Maori who choose to live in New Zealand.

For inter-governmental meetings to be attended to by local body politicians and Iwi nations Chiefs, King's and presidents stating affairs between each Iwi Nation and the New Zealand Government, that way the head of State who is Queen Elizabeth the 2 i think pardon if i maybe incorrect still has peaceful affairs between Nation leaders and on behalf of herself and her people or Royal subjects and two for the reason of creating Race relations a better stand point then it is currently at which is lets face it, repulsive beyond thought. It also gives the New Zealand government a chance to express their own personal thoughts and policies and how they may affect Iwi Nations.

For the promotion of Iwi or Tribes to be recognized as states, for in the Treaty of Waitangi, hereby dubbed T.O.W, it has stated in this treaty that all prestige and sovereignty to be guarded under this treaty. By allowing Iwi to become recognised as nations and for the geographical mapping of Aotearoa/new Zealand to recognise Iwi Nations as independent nations, this relieves some mistakes that Pakeha have made by violating the terms under the treaty in the past 150+ years and in turn both parties can come to an accord. This is not going to be easy but is highly plausible. This way as well can generate income for both Aotearoans and New Zealanders through the tourism industries.

As part of a pre sovereigncy treaty or resolutions, some form of economic compensation to be made out to Iwi nations, this way Iwi dont have to be dependent on the New Zealand government when it comes to economy as Iwi now have the Ability to create their own economy and can further improve the Iwi nation through various markets and industries that can now be generated from this money.

For the current currency used in both North and South islands of the New Zealand state to be also used by Iwi Nations, this way when Iwi Nations trade lets say resources with the New Zealand government, their is no dependency on a foreign market conversion, and so their is no rates to convert foreign domestic money into domestic money, trade will be fair yet profitable for both New Zealanders and Aotearoans.

To base the current laws as a guide for the fabrication of Iwi laws in their own lands that make up their Nations, this way Maori who do not live in their Iwi Nation/s can live in New Zealand state under their law system.

For current Maori services, governments and politcians to remain in N.Z state uder their constitutions, this enables better race relations for both Iwi Nations citizen Maori and Maori who live in N.Z state, also tries to strengthen the bonds that Pakeha and Maori have broken, a sort of inter-national partnership for the greater good of both the Iwi Nation people and the average Kiwi, New Zealander.

These are a few policies that i will and shall propose should i still choose to run as electorate for this years elections, it is not a easy path but is a path of redemption for both Maori and Pakeha alike, as one treaty has failed and is doing no results since it was created, it is about time that these islands we call N.Z to be resolved with partnership building, understanding ourselves and the people who have never left here, the proud and great Maori people.

The Treaty of Waitangi is fraud, which has become waivered and deemed voided due to breaches made by Pakeha representing the Royal family of United Kingdom.

Simple, Maori to respectfully withdraw from said treaty under the established international principle of Inadimplanti Non Est adimplendum, Pacta Sunt Servenda, these two ancient principles were in place at the time of the treaty, a foundation of which can also be found in many European states. These principles are also found in the following documents : The Vienna convention on the law of treaties (1969 and 1986 ) and : The United Nation's international law commission's draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. Enforcement of these two legal principles are articulated in the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples and in the United Nations study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations.

Due to breaches having been made and if a Iwi chooses not to accept a settlement if it has been proven to be unfair due to cultural alienation and downpression, then a Iwi has a legal and clearly internationally recognizable principle under these two legal and very ancient principles found inside many European states and law, to withdraw from said treaty of Waitangi and to automatically revert back the original state of that Indigenous population having negated said document or treaty has void and un-addressable.
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The death of the Long White Cloud Nation!
Latest update in New Zealand race relations between Pakeha and Maori societies has been struck down by the Nationalist government after the Prime Minister John Key refused Ngai Tuhoe traditional rights over the Urewera's as part of their treaty of Waitangi claims/Settlement despite the tribe never signing the treaty in the first place. Why doesn't the Prime Minister think of the detrimental affects this will cause to our societies. Does he not think of the consequences that have fluctuated from this refusal of Maori/Indigenous rights?. During the eighties the Prime Minister at that time was Norman Kirk, a Pakeha man who stood against the unrationalist's of that era and planted his foot firmly into the soil's of race relation, a man who wanted to improve the race relations of Maori and Pakeha societies for the sins of his ancestor's who came here to Aotearoa centuries ago... But now because of this decision that he the current Prime Minister had made affirming his denial of Maori rights, he may have caused the greatest retaliation of Maori against the government ever to be seen by the prying eyes of New Zealanders. Lately in the last twenty years on this patch of earth that we call Aotearoa, there have been great resistances against Pakeha and government's by many Maori tribes. But what John Key doe's not see by his ignorant, uncultured and Pakeha eyes is it might be from this denial of Maori rights, that he may have caused the greatest defeat to his own government. It may be from this refusal of Maori traditional rights that the coming of the next Maori wars, announcing to both Pakeha and Maori that war has indeed resurfaced back from the depths of our fallen ancestor's who fought these war's many, many years ago. If John Key and his Nationalist government continue on their production line of dismantling the work that Norman Kirk had started, a war that the Pakeha will not win and it will be from this end of Pakeha government that the great children of the earth mother, the great tribes of the primitive man from Hawaiki who are called Maori will have finally succeed in what they have wanted since the begginning of colonial times, to live in absolute freedom! Written by Ashley Rawiri/ Tainui Maori.

The Treaty of Waitangi is fraud, which has become waivered and deemed voided due to breaches made by Pakeha representing the Royal family of United Kingdom.

Simple, Maori to respectfully withdraw from said treaty under the established international principle of Inadimplanti Non Est adimplendum, Pacta Sunt Servenda, these two ancient principles were in place at the time of the treaty, a foundation of which can also be found in many European states. These principles are also found in the following documents : The Vienna convention on the law of treaties (1969 and 1986 ) and : The United Nation's international law commission's draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. Enforcement of these two legal principles are articulated in the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples and in the United Nations study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations.

Due to breaches having been made and if a Iwi chooses not to accept a settlement if it has been proven to be unfair due to cultural alienation and downpression, then a Iwi has a legal and clearly internationally recognizable principle under these two legal and very ancient principles found inside many European states and law, to withdraw from said treaty of Waitangi and to automatically revert back the original state of that Indigenous population having negated said document or treaty has void and un-addressable.
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Domestic and Foreign Nations possibly to engage in war?
Has anyone seen the current headlines for Maori rights and sovereignty lately?
Some of you might think that Maori have got their fair share of things handed back to them, but the difference maybe from me to you is that i am Maori, a sixth generation direct direct direct descendant to Fist yes first Maori King, King Potatau to be precise and through the spirit of him through me, i aint say it is far from over.
Many colonial Pakehas may think inside this country called Aotearoa that Maori rights should be put to the side whilst we deal with other issues such as immigrant policies which i dont mind immigrants as it brings diversity and more understanding.
But i find a big problem when we are spitted at in the face by one Mr John Key and his overly brainwashed, ignorant and mislead government.

Isnt indigenouus cultures meant to have more meaning, understanding and more embracement by the people who tried to exterminate them?

Isnt the Pakeha who is saying in his materialistic campaigns that Native people are first on the agenda of a country?

And why am i treated like a wild savage whose only trophy in life isto become a depressible statistic reffered to as a wife beater and dole bludger?

I say no to the last question for one i know abouut my people is we are not lazy, how can we work when are trying to deal with cultural identity alienation caused by colonials all those years ago.

I do not intend to make any threats to John Key or his government, i myself am a peaceful Maori man.

But if he does not deal with more issues about Maori sovereignty, about giving Maori their land back and saying " This land is yours and i am but a guest " the one thing we predominantly want, then he will spell disaster and as the diseases of the Pakeha came to Te Aotearoa the original name for this plane i call my home, motherland, so too shall the Pakeha be sent back to their distant homelands.

Sure living with Pakehas is not a bad thing, its bearable.
But to some Maori we fear war shall break loose again and it will be only righteous of us to defend the land that identifies us, who nurtures us, who cares for us.
If the ignorancy is allowed to continue, then the war God Tumatauenga shall arise from the red stained war path that is battle and bless Maori men once more to do what is right.

That is to say if things continue to go ignored, which is over a hundred years ignored.

Maori issues that need to be addressed are fairly basic:
A small economic compensation enabling Iwi throughout the land to continue with daily tribal affairs trading their regions resources.

Guaranteed ownership over tribal lands, whether or not if the Iwi signed either version of the false treaty of Waitangi.

Maori owned lands, reserves and Hapu's to be recognized as individual, independent domestic nations within New Zealand ( Similar to what Native American Indians presently have ) This issue is extremely and utterly important.

Anti stereotyping of Maori people for the government induced negativity and stereotyping of Maori through their inaccurate bias reports nearly a hundred and fifty years ago.

Maori way of life to be recognized and to at least be appreciated by schools, true historians and muesuems.


Described by
Ras Hotu Wai Ariki Rawiri
Iwi: Tainui
Hapu: Ngati Parekawa, Ngati Ngutu, Ngati Tamainupo, Ngatimatanga o Paretata ( Rawiri owned lands along the west coast of north island! )
Sixth generation of King Potatau, Fifth Generation of of Amio Rangiwhero, Ngati Parekawa Cheiftainess

The Treaty of Waitangi is fraud, which has become waivered and deemed voided due to breaches made by Pakeha representing the Royal family of United Kingdom.

Simple, Maori to respectfully withdraw from said treaty under the established international principle of Inadimplanti Non Est adimplendum, Pacta Sunt Servenda, these two ancient principles were in place at the time of the treaty, a foundation of which can also be found in many European states. These principles are also found in the following documents : The Vienna convention on the law of treaties (1969 and 1986 ) and : The United Nation's international law commission's draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. Enforcement of these two legal principles are articulated in the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples and in the United Nations study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations.

Due to breaches having been made and if a Iwi chooses not to accept a settlement if it has been proven to be unfair due to cultural alienation and downpression, then a Iwi has a legal and clearly internationally recognizable principle under these two legal and very ancient principles found inside many European states and law, to withdraw from said treaty of Waitangi and to automatically revert back the original state of that Indigenous population having negated said document or treaty has void and un-addressable.
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Why Maori need to be informed about things!
Why as a people, the Maori not saying anything about the Southern cross cable.

This cable runs from Pakeha ville U.s.a through Australia or terra nullius through to Aotearoa via Fiji.

Is the yanks lead by the cia bio-organic verbal weapon, Barack Obama who is in fact a Kenyan, AFRICAN NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN spying on us.

There is a reason why Maori want to stay out of this nonsensery and that is plainly, We do not WANT PAKEHA'S TELLING US WHAT TO DO ON OUR LANDS.
The beehive should watch out for the yanks, yeah sure they may want to improve relations with Aotearoa, but they will not impress the Kaumatua's, Kuias, Korouas and Chiefs of the great tribes that are here, this is not even mentioning Kingi Tuheitia. For if any trouble would be aroused from their activities and they landed on our MAORI lands, then it seems people the usa army would not survive as our victory is already guarnteed. Thats not to say we are blaming the yanks for spying on people, or brainwashing people back in vietnam, or use subliminal messaging to seek profit by manipulating people like a disease. MAORI PEOPLE ARE VERY AWARE OF WHAT HAPPENS OUTSIDE OUR FAIR COUNTRY, WE HAVE BEEN TRADING WITH THE AMERICAS SINCE THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. That is their Kaupapa, their principles and we as a people are fine with that, so long as they dont try that on us, it is all fine, no worries, no hassles, no immediate threats.

Im just saying to America and her civilians, please be aware, do not try this stuff on us, it WILL NOT WORK PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION.

If the yanks want to do business with Aotearoa, they should first seek permission from Her CHILDREN WHO ARE THE MAORI PEOPLE NOT THE PAKEHAS LEAD BY JOHN KEY AND HIS COLONIAL LAW SYSTEM.

Then we will discuss and seek to if America has Mana, then business will be discussed.

If they make threats to us and try like the Pakeha colonials who tried and ULTIMATELY FAILED TO STEAL OUR LANDS, then it is times that will be changed and America shall plea for forgiveness. Why does everyone think and know why Maori issues were adressed, it twas not because of protests, no. It was because England her royal " Subjects " knew that the Maori people were a threat and still are, due to our vigour in the efforts we take to gain our full possession as Chiefs, and mighty tribes that control our lands, devotion we put in to ensure our voices are heard and by share genes, the seventh gene deemed by the Pakeha scientist as the Warrior gene, that enables Our VOICE AS ONE PEOPLE, THAT WILL NOT STAND AND BE INSULTED IN OUR LANDS BY A FOREIGNER.

This is no way a threat to either United States of America, John Key, Barack Obama, England and her Royal dignitaries or Pakeha, this is just a grim vision that has already begun to unveil and those seeking to stop this anarchy and apocalypse, shall wake up and realise that we the Maori people will continue to rules these lands until the building blocks of life created by Io te KoreKore, shall diminish into a dust like vapour, rejuvenating the land once anew

The Treaty of Waitangi is fraud, which has become waivered and deemed voided due to breaches made by Pakeha representing the Royal family of United Kingdom.

Simple, Maori to respectfully withdraw from said treaty under the established international principle of Inadimplanti Non Est adimplendum, Pacta Sunt Servenda, these two ancient principles were in place at the time of the treaty, a foundation of which can also be found in many European states. These principles are also found in the following documents : The Vienna convention on the law of treaties (1969 and 1986 ) and : The United Nation's international law commission's draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. Enforcement of these two legal principles are articulated in the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples and in the United Nations study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations.

Due to breaches having been made and if a Iwi chooses not to accept a settlement if it has been proven to be unfair due to cultural alienation and downpression, then a Iwi has a legal and clearly internationally recognizable principle under these two legal and very ancient principles found inside many European states and law, to withdraw from said treaty of Waitangi and to automatically revert back the original state of that Indigenous population having negated said document or treaty has void and un-addressable.
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